HunterNet Defence Conference

HunterNet Defence Conference

WILLIAMTOWN, NSW Australia – September 2016 – HunterNet Defence Conference, the HunterNet Defence Conference was held on 19th – 20th September 2016 at Crowne Plaza Newcastle. The aim of this annual event is to educate SME’s about opportunities in the Newcastle, Central Coast and Hunter Valley area and link them with defence.

The primary objective for the conference this year was to provide an educational forum centred on the changes outlined in both the 2016 Defence Industry Policy Statement and Integrated Investment Program created to support the direction provided by the 2016 Defence White Paper. The programmed presentations will be delivered by a selection of leaders and expert representatives from Government, Defence and Industry.

The conference also focused on the development of regional innovation and collaborative commercial opportunities relevant to Land, Sea and Air Defence. This year the conference facilities were configured so that provision was made for attendees to engage dedicated break-out areas to drive collaboration and engagement between Defence Primes and the regions SME’s in order to further develop their understanding of their respective roles and requirements in delivering optimal Defence outcomes.

A specific highlight for the abundant conference networking opportunities was the gala dinner held on the evening of the 19th.

We welcomed several guest speakers to the Conference, including:

Hon Anthony Roberts – NSW Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy
Air Marshall (RET) John Harvey AM
Mike Kalms – KPMG
Katie Louis – First Assistant Secretary Defence Industry Policy Division
Andrew Garth – Centre for Defence Industry Capability, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
AIR VICE-MARSHALL Mel Hupfeld – AO DSC Head Force Design
Mike Deeks – CSC Managing Director
Sharon Wilson – BAE Systems – Head of Industry Strategy
Andrew Doyle – Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Australian F-35 Representative
GPCAPT Pete Mitchell – Jerico Project Director
A/Prof Bill Petreski – Director of Innovation and Commercialisation Strategy, KPMG Innovate
Rear Admiral Tony Dalton – Head Joint Systems Division
A particular highlight of this year’s Conference was the Gala Dinner, held on the evening of 19th September. We were fortunate to have Mark Donaldson VC as our guest speaker. In addition, to acknowledge the critical transition from the 4th to a 5th generation era of capability for the Royal Australian Air Force, Australia’s former Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal (retired) Geoff Brown congratulated Number 3 Squadron on the 100th anniversary of its service in protecting the nation.

