2020 Hunter Investment Prospectus released

The 2020 edition of the Hunter Investment Prospectus has been released which highlights the strengths of the Hunter and promotes the Region as a smart business, investment & lifestyle choice.

You can view the digital version here: http://www.hbrmag.com.au/assets/2020-Hunter-Investment-Prospectus.pdf

It is available as a high quality hard copy, on USB cards as well as online at www.hunterinvest.com.au


You may also like to watch the short promotional video at https://youtu.be/BGOa39slQCc  or search 2020 Hunter Investment on Youtube.

Please feel free to share these links to help promote the Hunter.
The publisher, Hunter Business Publications, thanks the support of the following sponsors which make the production of the Hunter Investment Prospectus possible. They are to be congratulated as forward looking organisations that are actively supporting the growth of the Hunter.

Gold Sponsors – Hunter Central Coast Development Corporation, Hunter Land, Knight Frank, Out of the Square Media, The Port of Newcastle, The University of Newcastle.
Silver Sponsors – AiGroup, Dowling Commercial, Dungog Shire Council, EJE Architecture, GHD, Hunter Region Business Hub, Lockheed Martin, McNamara Adams, NCP Printing, North Construction, Red Eye, Constructions, Regional Development Australia – Hunter, Scorpion International, Singleton Council, Sirron Holdings, The City of Newcastle, Upper Hunter Shire Council.
Bronze Sponsors – Atwea, Four Walls Commercial, The Business Centre.
